Give Thanks To The Crew
They Make You Look Good We have essentially entered the holiday season and it’s time to give thanks, and that includes appreciating the people who made your media exposure or your public [...]
They Make You Look Good We have essentially entered the holiday season and it’s time to give thanks, and that includes appreciating the people who made your media exposure or your public [...]
Get To Set Early
Get To Set Early Daylight savings time was just a few days ago, making this the perfect time to remind you to be early to your media appearance. This may sound like [...]
With This "Trick," Make Public Speaking A "Treat"
With This "Trick," Make Public Speaking A "Treat" Okay, so you hate public speaking. The thought of it sends shivers down your spine, produces a lump in your throat and makes your [...]
It's Part Of What Makes You, You
It's Part Of What Makes You, You Clients often ask me if they should try to lose their accents on camera or when they give speeches. To me having an accent is [...]
Listen With BOTH Ears
Listen With BOTH Ears This week’s tip comes from a viewer question, and it’s a great question. When you’re hosting a show, how do you process what you are being told in [...]
Always Be Easy To Work With