Mark Up Your Script
Make Notes To Help You One of the biggest benefits of reading from a script is that nobody, other than you, can actually see the script. That means you should feel free [...]
Make Notes To Help You One of the biggest benefits of reading from a script is that nobody, other than you, can actually see the script. That means you should feel free [...]
Envision A Successful Outcome
Envision A Successful Outcome Public speaking, in all its forms, can be tough. One of the reasons people struggle is because they anticipate failure; or, at the very least, they don’t anticipate [...]
Give Your Audience More Credit
Give Your Audience More Credit Have you ever been asked, “Tell me about your company?” and you feel like your answer is going on forever? It’s a simple question, and you certainly [...]
When Hosting, Think "Pass First"
When Hosting, Think "Pass First" Here’s a tip for all you hosts; that includes TV, radio, panels, and podcasts. When you’re interviewing somebody, most of the time THEY are the star of [...]
Immerse Yourself Into The Story
Immerse Yourself Into The Story One of the most important components of being a dynamic presenter is storytelling. In fact, it’s pretty much the most crucial aspect of reaching elite presenting status. [...]
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