Where Dave’s Spoken
“Dave’s been an incredible consultant, volunteer, and friend to the American Cancer Society through his many speaking engagements. We couldn’t have found a more passionate advocate to help us share the importance of our mission of fighting cancer.”
– ARLEEN URIA SPEED, Executive Director, American Cancer Society
Dave’s Keynotes:
s a keynote speaker, Dave speaks primarily on two topics: his battle with stage 3 melanoma, and what it taught him about laughter, gratitude, and purpose; and dynamic communication, and how individuals and companies can become powerful public speakers. Here are his featured keynotes:

Building Your Brand Through Media
Dave offers valuable insight from his years as a TV host, having interviewed thousands of business leaders. He’s seen plenty of good guests and plenty of not so good ones. He gives actionable tips on how to find your differentiators, position yourself from strength, streamline your message, and much more.

Dynamic Public Speaking
This speech is perfect for individuals and companies who want to improve their performance skills across multiple platforms, in order to better position their brands and businesses. Dave breaks down his unique methodology, “The 3 P’s”, and dives into its components: Preparation, Poise, and Performance. He covers actionable strategies for each area, including: dynamic storytelling, proper rehearsal techniques, conquering nerves, and much more.

Sweating The Small Stuff
This was the subject of Dave’s TEDx Talk. Dave survived stage 3 melanoma on his face and neck, and during a 14 1/2 hour surgery doctors removed his left salivary gland because it was cancerous. As a result, Dave sweats instead of salivates EVERY TIME he eats. For years, this caused him considerable embarrassment but Dave ultimately realized his “sweaty face” was a battle scar and a source of strength. Read More
Dave encourages the audience to embrace their insecurities and “sweat them out” into the universe. When they do that, their anxieties will be replaced by purpose, and there’s no greater feeling!

The Journey From Struggle To Strength
Dave can deliver this speech by himself or with his friend, and fellow cancer survivor, TJ Sharpe. Dave is a stage 3 melanoma survivor and TJ is a stage 4 melanoma survivor. Together, they are “Stage 7 Survivors” and they take the audience on their journey through the “Seven Stages From Struggle To Strength.” Read More
This speech motivates the audience to confront whatever struggles plague them, with the understanding there will be highs and lows. But if you keep fighting, you’ll become a stronger, more grateful, more present person and you’ll be inspired to pay your good fortune forward.