TV’s An Oldie, But A Goodie
This Thursday is World Television Day. In 1996, The U.N. General Assembly realized TV played a major role in presenting global issues affecting people and it needed to be recognized. So the Assembly proclaimed November 21st as World Television Day to commemorate the date on which the first World Television Forum was held, earlier that year.
Now I realize social media in some ways has become the new TV. In fact, this video is going out on social and not on television. But, for my money – and maybe it’s because I’m old school – TV is still where it’s at. If you want to make an impact building your brand and business don’t forget about good old television. It still holds massive cache and legitimacy. So build your brand on social but continue to strive to book that TV appearance. One good spot on TV can be a game changer.
To chat more about how to crush your TV interview, once you book it, just contact me here.
Have a great day!