Raise Your Hand If You Need This Tip!

This week’s tip is in response to a question I get all the time: what do you do with your hands while you’re speaking?

No matter if you’re giving a speech, appearing on camera, or even engaging in one-on-one conversations, you may very well struggle with where to put your hands. It’s very common! But, before we get to what to do with them, let’s go over what NOT to do with them.

Don’t fold them across your chest, don’t shove them in your pockets and don’t put them behind your back. These are closed-off postures. I understand you may be nervous, and that might be your natural instinct, but condition yourself to fight off that instinct.

Also, I’m not a huge fan of when people have their arms dangling to the sides, even though some media coaches actually teach that. That looks unnatural and makes you seem like you’re acutely aware of your arms and hands, you just don’t know where to put them. You want movement. Movement creates energy and energy creates purpose. You’re more captivating when you talk with your hands.

That said, don’t just throw them around in any old direction. Give your hands something specific to do. Use them to make a point. Use them to count down a list.  Use them when you want to express power, or calm. Use them actively to help engage your audience. But you have to practice this, because you don’t want your hand gestures to look forced or robotic.

Above all, remember that your hands help you connect with others. They help you tell a story. They indicate that you’re passionate and expressive. And those are important qualities. So don’t be afraid to use them!

If you don’t believe me that hands are important, try a simple exercise. Record yourself telling a story with your hands in your pockets or resting at your sides. Then, record yourself telling the same story but this time use your hands. Wait until you see the difference! It’s like two completely different stories.

If you’d like to chat about this, or any other aspect of media and public speaking coaching, contact me and we’ll set up a free consultation.

Have a great day,
